@article{oai:swu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002303, author = {安宅, 信行 and ATAKA, Nobuyuki}, journal = {昭和女子大学大学院生活機構研究科紀要, Bulletin of the Graduate School of Human Life Sciences, Showa Women's University}, month = {Mar}, note = {The paper describes the theories about initial shape and stress-deformation analysis we confront on designing of membrane structures. The details of the existing structures based on the theories are shown. To introduce the concept of 0 order elasticity shows that the inital shape analysis itself is contained the category of mechanics of continuos media. Furthermore, both initial shape and stress-deformation analysis are not individual themselves, but can be carried through in unity in the integurated analysis system of stress-deformation analysis contained initial steress., 4, KJ00004311086, 報文, Original}, pages = {29--52}, title = {構造における形態の理論について}, volume = {4}, year = {1995}, yomi = {アタカ, ノブユキ} }