@article{oai:swu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002491, author = {芦川, 智 and 金子, 友美 and 鶴田, 佳子 and 高木, 亜紀子 and ASHIKAWA, Satoru and KANEKO, Tomomi and TSURUTA, Yoshiko and TAKAGI, Akiko}, journal = {昭和女子大学大学院生活機構研究科紀要, Bulletin of the Graduate School of Human Life Sciences, Showa Women's University}, month = {Mar}, note = {City squares have a diverse variety of forms. This research first attempts to analyze such form using a convex polygon, in order to understand the forms from which the studied city square is comprised. The paper attempts to ascertain how the planar form of a city square can be judged using a convex polygon, and to determine whether or not a convex polygon is effective for morphological analysis. I use geometrical techniques based on the concept that a city square is a space where crowd flow stagnates. First I extract the planar form of a city square and then conduct analysis using the morphological features of a convex polygon. I feel that I have found a proposal for an analysis technique for a variety of city square situations., 9, KJ00004724517, 論文, Article}, pages = {73--83}, title = {凸多角形による広場の形態分析}, volume = {15}, year = {2006}, yomi = {アシカワ, サトル and カネコ, トモミ and ツルタ, ヨシコ and タカギ, アキコ} }