@article{oai:swu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003898, author = {鈴木, 円 and Suzuki, Madoka}, journal = {學苑, GAKUEN}, month = {Jun}, note = {How to promote a child's ability to think is one of the most important problems in elementary school social studies. But this problem has not been fully resolved in the present curriculum guidelines. To solve this problem, we must take note of the differences between the West and Japan concerning thinking skills. In Japan, we generally think the ability to perceive and imagine the feelings of others is more important than the ability to think logically. Therefore, we Japanese teachers have lacked a basic awareness of teaching methods that promote thinking skills. In order to nurture democratic citizens who can function in the international community, it is necessary for us to learn, from Europe and America, ways of promoting thinking skills. Firstly, recognition of chronology, spatial awareness, classifications, comparison/contrast, and cause/effect should be studied as basic thinking skills. It is important to build a systematic curriculum to promote such thinking skills. Moreover, we should utilize graphic organizers that are widely used in the United States. This will have the beneficial effect of focusing a child's independent thought processes and promoting the child's ability to think logically., 10, KJ00004175196}, pages = {68--82}, title = {小学校社会科における「考える力」としての思考技能育成 : グラフィック・オーガナイザーを活用した学習活動の提案(学校教育)}, volume = {776}, year = {2005}, yomi = {スズキ, マドカ} }