@article{oai:swu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00004028, author = {黒崎, 瑠美子 and 木村, 修一 and KUROSAKI, Rumiko and KIMURA, Shuichi}, journal = {學苑, GAKUEN}, month = {Dec}, note = {内因性抗酸化物カルノシンの神経細胞保護効果を検討する目的で,7週令及び40週令マウスを用いて,脳内海馬CA1領域における病理組織及び免疫組織化学的解析を行った。その結果,7週令マウスに比較し40週令マウスの海馬CA1領域では,神経細胞の脱落が観察され,eNOSやCu/Zn-SOD免疫染色性の増加も確認された。これに対し,40週令マウスに2週間のカルノシソ(100mg/kg)を投与した群では,40週令コントロールマウスにみられた神経細胞の脱落が抑制されたことが確認された。また,カルノシソ投与によるGFAP陽性アストロサイトの活性増大とCu/Zn-SOD活性抑制傾向が観察された。カルノシンはアストロサイトの活性化とfree radical scavenging機能により,海馬領域の神経細胞を保護することが示唆されるが,その詳細なメカニズム解明にあたってはさらなる検討が必要である。, Carnosine (β-alanyl-L-histidine) is an endogenous dipeptide and is found in brain and other long-lived tissues of humans at concentrations as high as 20mM. It is demonstrated that carnosine has several functions, such as anti-ischemic activity, anti-glication effect and membrane-protecting properties. In this study, we investigated the effect of L-carnosine on age-related histopathological and immunohistochemical alteration in glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), Cu/Zn-superoxide dismutase (Cu/Zn-SOD), neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) and endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) protein of the hippocampal CAl sector in 7- and 40-week old mice. Histopathological observations showed that neuronal change or hippocampal CA1 neurons, which was observed in 40-week old mice, was preserved by carnosine treatment. Immunohistochemical stainings for GFAP and nNOS were unchanged in 40-week old mice. However, immunohistochemical stainings for eNOS and Cu/Zn-SOD increased in hippocampal cells of 40-weeks old mice compared with 7-week old mice. Additionally, GFAP immunopositive cells in carnosine treatment mice were increased compared with 7-week old mice. From these observations, we suggest that carnosine is effective on age-related neurodegeneration of hippocampal CA1 sector., 4, KJ00004435121, 報文}, pages = {1--6}, title = {海馬領域神経細胞の加齢変化に対するL-carnosine経口投与の影響}, volume = {782}, year = {2005}, yomi = {クロサキ, ルミコ and キムラ, シュイチ} }