@article{oai:swu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00004322, author = {金井, まゆみ and 有末, 紘子 and 小原, 奈津子 and KANEI, Mayumi and ARISUE, Hiroko and KOHARA, Natsuko}, journal = {學苑, GAKUEN}, month = {Feb}, note = {The influence of reactive dyes on the photodegradation rates of cellulosic fabrics (cotton, linen, rayon) were evaluated. Cellulosic fabrics were dyed with reactive dyes and then exposed to xenon arc lamp light for incremental doses for up to 40 days. Changes in color, tensile strength, a degree of polymerization (D.P.) and cellulose crystallinities were evaluated. After exposure each undyed cellulosic fabric showed a greater loss in tensile strength and D.P. than the dyed fabrics. Tensile strength and D.P. of dyed rayon fabrics decreased at a constant rate. The tensile strength of dyed cotton and linen also decreased similar to that of the dyed rayon, but D.P. of cotton and linen didn't decrease severely as the tensile strength. This suggests that cleavages of glycoside linkage as well as pyranose ring and/or hydrogen bonds may occur by exposure to the light. Crystallinity did not change after the exposure. From this result, it was thought that both crystalline and amorphous regions in the fibers degraded., 4, KJ00004722742, 論文, Article}, pages = {1--7}, title = {染色したセルロース繊維の光劣化について}, volume = {796}, year = {2007}, yomi = {カネイ, マユミ and アリスエ, ヒロコ and コハラ, ナツコ} }