@article{oai:swu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00004662, author = {金子, 友美 and 芦川, 智 and 鶴田, 佳子 and 高木, 亜紀子 and KANEKO, Tomomi and ASHIKAWA, Satoru and TSURUTA, Yoshiko and TAKAGI, Akiko}, journal = {學苑, GAKUEN}, month = {Jul}, note = {Many Thai cities have abundant waterways. This is a report of a survey, conducted in March, 2007, in the Thai capital, Bangkok, and other nearby cities including Amphawa, Samut Songkhram, Damnoen Saduak and Lopburi. Bangkok is defined by branches and canals of the Chao Phraya River which flow through the center of the city. Waterside areas make up small or large community spaces and are used for a variety of daily needs including transportation and fishing. The researchers focus on the waterfront and the unique sidewalk spaces formed there. These spaces vary widely in the ways they are organized, used, and accessed., 5, KJ00005217963}, pages = {2--22}, title = {バンコクおよび周辺都市の歩行者空間 : アジアの歩行者空間に関する研究(その3)}, volume = {813}, year = {2008}, yomi = {カネコ, トモミ and アシカワ, サトル and ツルタ, ヨシコ and タカギ, アキコ} }