@article{oai:swu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005542, author = {間野, 琴子 and 宮内, 智美 and 春宮, 覚 and 海老沢, 秀道 and Kotoko, MANO and Tomomi, MIYAUCHI and Satoru, HARUMIYA and Hidemichi, EBISAWA}, journal = {學苑, GAKUEN}, month = {Dec}, note = {The present study was carried out to determine whether dietary isoflavone and arginine could preserve the renal function and prevent renal injury and bone mineral density loss in the chronic kidney disease model rat. We orally administered 360mg/kg BW of adenine suspended in methylcellulose to ten-week-old male Wistar rats for six days to generate a chronic kidney disease(CKD)model. As a control, methylcellulose alone was administered to another group of rats(Intact). The rats received 15g/day of either the control diet(group CA)or the experimental diet supplemented with isoflavone(group IF)or L-Arginine(group Arg)or isoflavone plus L-Arginine simultaneously(group IFA)for 10 weeks. Group CA still showed the symptoms of chronic kidney disease, such as renal swelling, a decreased CCr, elevated BUN and increased urinary NAG activity compared to the Intact rats that had not received adenine treatment. The results were as follows: Compared with group CA, 1)Group IF showed a higher femoral cancellous-BMD, but no improvement in the renal function estimated by the CCr and BUN or the renal injury levels estimated by the urinary protein excretion and urinary NAG activity. 2)Group Arg showed a higher CCr, lower BUN and lower urinary protein excretion; however, the femoral cancellous-BMD did not increase. 3)Group IFA showed a lower urinary protein excretion level and urinary NAG activity and higher femoral cancellous-BMD. These results suggest that isoflavone and arginine are effective dietary agents for suppressing renal failure and maintaining the BMD in a rat model of chronic kidney disease., 9, KJ00008164300}, pages = {47--55}, title = {〔研究ノート〕慢性腎臓病モデルラットの骨密度維持に対する食餌アルギニンあるいは大豆イソフラボン抽出物投与の有効性評価に関する基礎的研究}, volume = {866}, year = {2012}, yomi = {マノ, コトコ and ミヤウチ, トモミ and ハルミヤ, サトル and エビサワ, ヒデミチ} }