@article{oai:swu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005594, author = {金子, 朝子 and Tomoko, Kaneko}, journal = {學苑, GAKUEN}, month = {Apr}, note = {AbstractThe main purpose of this study is to compare the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology(MEXT)test results from 3rd year junior high students and university students' essays. Standardized type/token ratio, average length of sentences, frequently used vocabulary, and n-grams were analyzed using the corpora collected from the junior high school 3rd graders' compositions in the MEXT English test, twelve different junior and senior high school English textbooks, and the International Corpus of Learner English(ICLE)Japanese Sub-Corpus. The result shows that the students who took the MEXT test frequently used repeatedly practiced vocabulary and phrases from their English classes. They also had the tendency to use words and phrases which they often use in their mother tongue. As a whole, however, junior high 3rd graders mostly used what they had learned while they were in the junior high 1st year and university students mainly used what they had learned before they finished junior high school. This result is inevitable if the students only learn what they are exposed to in their textbooks, which are naturally limited in the variety of vocabulary and grammar structures included. It is up to the English teachers to fill in this gap, by providing writing activities that will stimulate the students to want to express themselves more in English., 5, KJ00008348099}, pages = {2--14}, title = {日本人英語学習者の語彙・フレーズの発達}, volume = {870}, year = {2013}, yomi = {カネコ, トモコ} }