@article{oai:swu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005696, author = {竹山, 恵美子 and 国井, あずさ and 小菅, 理恵子 and 小室, 知葉 and 澤田, 亜美 and 新海, シズ and 福島, 正子 and TAKEYAMA, Emiko and KUNII, Azusa and KOSUGE, Rieko and KOMURO, Tomoyo and SAWADA, Ami and SHINKAI, Shizu and FUKUSHIMA, Masako}, journal = {學苑, GAKUEN}, month = {Dec}, note = {Green nuts are the fruiting bodies of members of the genus Plukenetia, which is endemic to the tropical rainforests of Peru and cultivated in tropical rainforests elsewhere. The fruit contains seeds from which green nut oil, also known as Inca Inchi oil, can be extracted by cold pressing. Since the elevation of the tropical rainforests in Peru extend from 400 to 2000m, it is possible that the fats and oils yielded by seeds of Plukenetia species may differ according to the elevation at which they are cultivated. We therefore investigated the physicochemical properties of the fats and oils extracted from green nuts cultivated at mean elevations of 400 to 500m and at 1600m. The aim of the study is to identify additional uses for these fats and oils and to explore more effective means of consuming the fatty acids they contain. The results showed that, compared to green nuts cultivated at high-elevation sites, those cultivated at low-elevation sites contained lower levels of -linolenic acid and higher levels of - and -tocopherol and polyphenols, which protect the oils against oxidation. In addition, the nuts harvested at lower elevations exhibited greater resistance to heating and UV exposure. Thus, oil extracted from the seeds of green nuts harvested from low-elevation sites has superior culinary and storage characteristics., 8, KJ00008913639}, pages = {38--43}, title = {〔研究ノート〕標高の異なる産地のグリーンナッツ(プルケネティア種種実)圧搾油の理化学的特性について}, volume = {878}, year = {2013}, yomi = {タケヤマ, エミコ and クニイ, アズサ and コスゲ, リエコ and コムロ, トモヨ and サワダ, アミ and シンカイ, シズ and フクシマ, マサコ} }