@article{oai:swu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005774, author = {斉藤, 規子 and Saito, Noriko}, journal = {學苑, GAKUEN}, month = {Jun}, note = {Abstract This study explores arithmetic classes in Finland and what they suggest for arithmetic education in Japan. The author observed three arithmetic classes in Finland in September 2013 and analyzed the observations. The classes exhibited three characteristics. First, the classes offered opportunities for repeated practice in order to facilitate the mastery of skills such as calculation. Second, the classes had strict classroom rules. Third, the classes engaged in activities with rich patterns of representation which were translated into numeric formulae to be mastered. This study highlights their use of rich patterns of representation in mathematics teaching and their translations into numerical formulae. The paper looks specifically at the translation of symbolic representations including linguistic, realistic, and illustrative representations, into numerical equations which are not used sufficiently in arithmetic education in Japan., 5, KJ00009293499}, pages = {2--15}, title = {フィンランドの算数教育についての考察--豊かな表現様式による活動とそれらの関連づけ--}, volume = {884}, year = {2014}, yomi = {サイトウ, ノリコ} }