@article{oai:swu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005814, author = {西脇, 和彦 and Nishiwaki, Kazuhiko}, journal = {學苑, GAKUEN}, month = {Sep}, note = {Abstract By looking at nine kinds of updated authorized junior and senior high school geography textbooks, this paper attempts to trace the changing view of "mass suburbia" in modern Japan. In the first stage of modernity roughly from the 1950s through the 1970s the booming Japanese economy gave rise to "mass suburbia." Today the phenomenon continues, and in the 1980s we have entered a new stage of modernity. The author confirmed that the textbooks contain descriptions of the characteristics of mass suburbia in this second stage of modernity such as the aging of "new towns," restructuring of mass suburbia, and conurbation. The author believes that the "glocal" observation of quantitative and qualitative changes of Japanese mass suburbia can be a key to understanding our society in the near future., 5, KJ00009457919}, pages = {27--40}, title = {マス・サバービア考(VI)--中学・高校のテキスト(地理的分野)に見る郊外--}, volume = {887}, year = {2014}, yomi = {ニシワキ, カズヒコ} }