@article{oai:swu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000582, author = {隅田, 真理子 and 島谷, まき子 and SUMITA, Mariko and SHIMATANI, Makiko}, journal = {昭和女子大学生活心理研究所紀要, Annual bulletin of Institute of Psychological Studies, Showa Women's University}, month = {Mar}, note = {Email exchanges with friends in informal groups using mobile phones and the influence of mobile phone email use on developing face-to-face friendships among adolescent females was investigated in a metropolitan area of Japan. Participants were female junior high school students(n=323). Results indicated the following. (1)Most students (84.2%) had a mobile phone and exchanged email with friends in their group. (2)When they sent email to friends, they experienced anxiety or happiness according to the content of the email and face-to-face relationships with group members. (3)One-to-one relationships through email and face-to-face relationships in the group were linked. Behavior to confirm intimacy was the most comprehensible explanations of their behavior., 7, KJ00005269119, 論文}, pages = {37--48}, title = {思春期女子グループの友人関係と携帯メール使用-グループの友人への欲求および対面の友人関係との関連から-}, volume = {11}, year = {2009}, yomi = {スミタ, マリコ and シマタニ, マキコ} }