@article{oai:swu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005875, author = {フフバートル and BORJIGIN, Huhbator}, journal = {學苑, GAKUEN}, month = {Feb}, note = {The Mongolyn sonin bichig is a Mongolian periodical published in Harbin from May, 1909 to December, 1918 that is widely understood to be a potent medium for the Mongolian independence movement. It started as a magazine, but from September, 1912, it became a newspaper. In spite of its historical importance, few issues still exist and this hinders comprehensive research. About half a century ago G.Deleg, a researcher from the Mongolian People's Republic, for instance, studied this journal as an example of newspaper media using the limited materials available to him. Even today there are few studies on this periodical. This paper aims to provide further detailed information about the Mongolyn sonin bichig based on the result of the author's research worldwide over the past 20 years, and discusses some problems such as the title, the evaluation, and the purpose of the publication. The author also questions the credibility of the believed editor of this periodical, Haisan, who was, in the history of Mongolia, an important intellectual., 6, KJ00009613881}, pages = {39--56}, title = {〔論 文〕 Mongul-un sonin bicig(1909-1918)という モンゴル語定期刊行物 -モンゴル語定期刊行物史における位置づけと所蔵状況1-}, volume = {892}, year = {2015}, yomi = {フフバートル} }