@article{oai:swu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005916, author = {井原, 奉明 and Ihara, Tomoaki}, journal = {學苑, GAKUEN}, month = {Apr}, note = {What is the concept of others? They are the ones, who give different meanings from ours to the same situation. For the further study of how we can live together with them, can make a harmonious communication with them, and can mutually understand each other with the building up of the solidary foundation, the author tries to raise two questions in this article. They are as follows; What cannot an aspect-blind person do? Is an aspect-blind exceptional? As to the former question, an aspect-blind can only construe one way even though there are some other possible construals in the multi-aspectual situation. And as to the latter question, an aspect-blind is not exceptional, because any kind of act can accord with any construal, following Wittgenstein's discussion of rules., 8, KJ00009693999}, pages = {53--61}, title = {アスペクト盲の問題}, volume = {894}, year = {2015}, yomi = {イハラ, トモアキ} }