@article{oai:swu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005938, author = {富本, 靖 and 堂元, 慎也 and 滝澤, 宣頼 and Tomimoto, Yasushi and Domoto, Shinya and Takizawa, Nobuyori}, journal = {學苑, GAKUEN}, month = {Jun}, note = {The purpose of this study is to identify various problems experienced by Comprehensive Community Sports Clubs. These clubs have been promoted as part of the lifelong sports promotion plan under the auspices of MEXT(Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology)since 1995 in Japan and are modeled on the deep-rooted community sports clubs found in European countries. The authors discuss the causes of the problems experienced by Japanese clubs and compares the way they organized in Japan with the way they are organized in Europe. The biggest issue is the widening gap between municipalities in terms of the way the organizations are operated. What is required to solve this problem are systems whereby community residents themselves take the lead in making plans with the support of the regional government. At the same time, it is desirable that managers and leaders of those clubs should be specialists in relevant fields as well as sincere advocates of regional revitalization. Another important task is to form a guild-like association where municipalities cooperate each other and exchange information frequently on how to run the clubs while still maintaining each regions' distinctive character. When such clubs function well, they can play a role not only as places for sports, but also as places for regional activities that help enhance local revitalization and solve the issue of poor communication which stems from the growing individualism and diversification of values nowadays., 6, KJ00009834059}, pages = {19--32}, title = {日本における総合型地域スポーツクラブの 現状と課題 --ヨーロッパスポーツクラブとの比較から--}, volume = {896}, year = {2015}, yomi = {トミモト, ヤスシ and ドウモト, シンヤ and タキザワ, ノブヨリ} }