@article{oai:swu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00006028, author = {関野, みな美 and 竹山, 恵美子 and 綿引, 志雅子 and 福島, 正子 and SEKINO Minami and TAKEYAMA, Emiko and WATAHIKI, Shigako and FUKUSHIMA, Masako}, journal = {學苑, GAKUEN}, month = {Dec}, note = {To make effective use of bell peppers Capsicum annuum L. `grossum' produced in Ibaraki Prefecture that do not meet fresh market standards, the bell peppers were processed into a freezable paste and the residual ascorbic acid was measured. Residual ascorbic acid in paste made from yellow, orange, or red bell peppers with attached skin was approximately 90%, and no substantial decrease was observed relative to fresh bell peppers. Meanwhile, residual ascorbic acid in paste produced first by heating the peppers in an oven toaster and then removing the skins was approximately 60%. Although this represents a 40% reduction relative to fresh bell peppers, these results indicate that there is sufficient potential for utilizing bell pepper paste for cooking or in processed foods depending on how it is used., 8, KJ00010027599}, pages = {49--51}, title = {〔研究ノート〕 茨城県産パプリカのアスコルビン酸含有量}, volume = {902}, year = {2015}, yomi = {セキノ, ミナミ and タケヤマ, エミコ and ワタヒキ and フクシマ, マサコ} }