@article{oai:swu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00006198, author = {井原, 奉明 and Ihara, Tomoaki}, issue = {918}, journal = {学苑, Gakuen}, month = {Apr}, note = {This paper first reviews the cognitive models of viewing arrangement by Ronald W.Langacker and then tries to examine the appropriateness of the models as theoretical framework for subjectivity by giving them a critical consideration. Consequently the author demonstrates the inadequacy of the models, showing the supremacy of alternative theories such as Ikegami’s subjective- and objective construals and Nakamura’s I- and D-models. Finally the author raises the fundamental problem of subjectivity or self, which lies in all the cognitive models mentioned in this paper, and suggests a clue to work it out.}, pages = {100--119}, title = {Langackerによる主観性に関する視点構図への批判的検討}, year = {2017}, yomi = {イハラ, トモアキ} }