@article{oai:swu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000621, author = {三浦, 香苗 and 田中, 千穂 and MIURA, Kanae and TANAKA, Chiho}, journal = {昭和女子大学生活心理研究所紀要, Annual bulletin of Institute of Psychological Studies, Showa Women's University}, month = {Mar}, note = {Data from a previous study were reanalyzed (a) to develop the Scale of Childhood Discipline and (b) to identify intergenerational communication between mothers and daughters about feelings regarding their upbringing. Factor analysis identified three factors related to feelings about how mothers of female university students were brought up. These included active involvement (Instruction), social roles (Roles) and interest in emotions and affects (Interest). Results suggested that combinations of these three factors formulated feelings about a person's upbringing during childhood. Such feelings suggested that there were differences in how mothers raised their children, indicating that feelings of mothers about their upbringing influenced how they raised their children. However, in relation to a mother's feelings about her upbringing, differences in the female university students' perceptions on how they were raised during childhood were seen for only Roles. It was shown that mothers had dealt with Instruction and Interest in ways independent of their feelings about their upbringing., 2, KJ00007809660, 論文}, pages = {11--19}, title = {女子大学生およびその母親の認知する被養育経験の母子伝達-児童期被養育経験尺度の再分析を通して-}, volume = {14}, year = {2012}, yomi = {ミウラ, カナエ and タナカ, チホ} }