@article{oai:swu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00006363, author = {原, 正美 and 伊藤, 美香 and HARA, Masami and ITO, Mika}, issue = {926}, journal = {学苑, Gakuen}, month = {Dec}, note = {Purpose: Tests were performed in a large scale cooking site to determine the proper cooking time and equipment for heating vegetables in such a way that their required natural flavor, fresh color, optimal softness and taste remain. Methods: The samples were soy bean sprouts (moyashi) which are commonly used in cafeteria food services. The cooking equipment tested were a tilting kettle and a steam convection oven. To each 4kg of moyashi was added and heated for 1–16 min. Without submerging the boiled moyashi in water, the samples were cooled down to 10℃, and the taste was functionally evaluated. Results and Discussion: Among the moyashi heated in the tilting kettle, the sample heated for 2 min. gained the highest evaluation. Among those heated in the convection oven, the sample heated for 8 min gained the highest evaluation. The authors deem these the most suitable heating times for these items.   The advantage of using the tilting kettle is that it requires shorter heating time to produce tasty boiled vegetables at a lower cost. The advantages of using the steam convection oven are that it is time-saving (totally from preparation to finish), and that it reduces the injury risk such as burns since the users need not to boil the water, and that it causes less increase in room temperature and humidity. The authors suggest that, despite the test result showing a slight decline in taste, the steam convection oven is more suitable for students of large scale cooking training course since it allows them to prepare boiled vegetables more safely and quickly.}, pages = {41--48}, title = {〔研究ノート〕大量調理時における調理器具と加熱時間の相違が茹でもやしの品質に及ぼす影響}, year = {2017}, yomi = {ハラ, マサミ and イトウ, ミカ} }