@article{oai:swu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00006462, author = {井原, 奉明 and Ihara, Tomoaki}, issue = {930}, journal = {学苑, Gakuen}, month = {Apr}, note = {This paper is the first part of a series of research on the theme of subject in Wittgenstein’s early philosophy. The concept of subject has been gaining popularity again and recently attracting academic more attention in the field of phenomenology and cognitive linguistics. It seems some of the articles in the areas undoubtedly accept the perceptual dualism and inadequately based on ontologically and epistemologically too simple and naïve idea on the conception, so that they would fail to avoid the fundamental philosophical errors and difficulties. Wittgenstein’s text is a classic work on the notion, so the author attempts in this paper to clarify the concept of subject through and with him, and to open the discussion to the scholars who have due interest in the related problems.}, pages = {50--64}, title = {ウィトゲンシュタイン哲学における主体について(1)}, year = {2018}, yomi = {イハラ, トモアキ} }