@article{oai:swu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00006777, author = {鶴田, 麻也美 and Tsuruta, Mayami}, issue = {944}, journal = {学苑, Gakuen}, month = {Jun}, note = {This essay is based on interviews with head teachers and analyzes how rewarding and important head teachers who are themselves teaching feel their roles are, and to what extent they are able to connect with and support their co-workers. Based on these interviews the researcher provides an overview of the role and function of head teachers.}, pages = {33--45}, title = {主幹教諭の「チームとしての学校」における在り方 ―サーバントリーダーとしての役割を果たす主幹教諭の職務―}, year = {2019}, yomi = {ツルタ, マヤミ} }