@article{oai:swu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00006987, issue = {956}, journal = {学苑, Gakuen}, month = {Jun}, note = {This study note explores the criteria Miekichi Suzuki, the chief editor of the children’s literature magazine Akai tori (launched in 1918), used in selecting essays composed by children. Little attention has been paid to the way Suzuki contrasted vulgar journalism with what he considered ideal compositions. Juxtaposing the standards for children’s compositions that appeared in Akai tori with those of educators active since the early Taisho period such as Enosuke Ashida reveals that their approaches are quite different. The author surmises that Suzuki’s purpose was to protect children from the “malign” influence of journalism and to draw children to the realm of real art in writing and to establish a canon that could serve as a benchmark for children’s writing in modern Japan. Focusing on his criticism of bad examples of composition, this note traces the development of his method.}, pages = {(1)--(5)}, title = {〔研究ノート〕 「真個の作文の活例」の内実 ――「赤い鳥」の目指した「子供の作文」とその影響}, year = {2020} }