@article{oai:swu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00007070, author = {秋山, 久美子 and 柏崎, 冴生 and 奥山, 香澄 and 高田, 真由 and 山中, 健太郎 and Akiyama, Kumiko and Kashiwazaki, Saemi and Okuyama, Kasumi and Takada, Mayu and Yamanaka, Kentaro}, issue = {962}, journal = {学苑, Gakuen}, month = {Dec}, note = {The aim of this study is to investigate the biomechanical features of the movement of peeling a whole apple with a kitchen knife. We assessed the movements of 70 female university students and selected 3 skilled and 3 unskilled students for our main experiment. In the main experiment, we recorded kinematic data using a 3D motion capture (VICON) while the 6 students peeled a whole apple with a kitchen knife, and compared the biomechanical features of the movements of the participants. We found three differences in knife manipulation between the two groups: 1) Skilled students held the knife at about 45 degrees from the horizontal plane while unskilled students held it more horizontally. 2) Skilled students moved their right thumb in advance to lead the knife while unskilled students moved their right thumbs synchronously with the knife. 3) Skilled students held a space between their right thumb and knife while unskilled students put their right thumbs on the knife blade. In addition, skilled students and unskilled but relatively efficient students held the knife blade between their thumbs and index fingers while unskilled but relatively inefficient students held the knife with their index fingers extended on the dull edge. We suggest that analysis of these biomechanical features is important for teaching the proper way to peel a whole apple with a kitchen knife.}, pages = {1--7}, title = {〔研究ノート〕リンゴの丸むき操作における巧拙と包丁操作の関係}, year = {2020}, yomi = {アキヤマ, クミコ and カシワザキ, サエミ and オクヤマ, カスミ and タカダ, マユ and ヤマナカ, ケンタロウ} }