@article{oai:swu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00007093, author = {歌川, 光一 and 青野, 桃子 and 杉山, 昂平 and UTAGAW, Koichi and AONO, Momoko and SUGIYAMA, Kohei}, issue = {964}, journal = {学苑, Gakuen}, month = {Feb}, note = {This paper compares how historical figures are presented in the textbooks of high school World History B with the introductory textbooks that are used to teach pedagogy in teacher training classes. World History B is due for revision in 2022 and research related to curriculum and class methodology of the subject are going to be upgraded. This paper, however, analyzes the current (2020) version of textbooks. There are some points professors of teacher training should take into consideration when they teach Introduction to Pedagogy to freshmen or sophomores. For instance, Socrates and Plato are introduced as philosophers of ancient Greece in world history textbooks. As the authors have pointed out elsewhere(Utagawa, Sugiyama, Aono 2020), these philosophers feature intensively in High School Ethics textbooks. The two textbooks used in high school courses cover the same material about Socrates and Plato that is covered in the introduction to pedagogy textbook. On the other hand, John Dewey is only briefly mentioned in high school world history and the high school ethics textbooks, and introductory pedagogy textbooks focus on different aspects of his life and work. Likewise, the material about figures featured in the each of the three textbooks seems to have been written without regard to what is covered in the others. Due to the inconsistency between textbooks, students may come away with different perceptions of historical figures based on the subjects they choose in high school, and their perspectives might be different from what is taught in the introductory pedagogy classes. This survey has just been launched. We need to continue to compare the manner in which different historical figures are treated in textbooks of high school subjects with those of Introductory Pedagogy Textbooks for teacher training.}, pages = {28--37}, title = {高等学校地理歴史科「世界史B」および 大学「教育原理」系科目における歴史人物の取扱い}, year = {2021}, yomi = {ウタガワ, コウイチ and アオノ, モモコ and スギヤマ, コウヘイ} }