@article{oai:swu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00007190, author = {小川, 喜正 and Ogawa, Yoshimasa}, issue = {966}, journal = {学苑 昭和女子大学紀要, Gakuen: The Bulletin of Showa Women's University}, month = {Jul}, note = {This is part of a series of investigation into the effects of multiple written corrective feedback (WCF) on Japanese EFL students’ grammatical accuracy in writing. The multiple WCF involved comprehensive coded feedback and selective metalinguistic explanation. The study endeavored to determine whether there was a trade-off between repeated feedback and increased opportunities for writing practice. Statistical analyses also evaluated the coded WCF’s effects on treatable and untreatable error types. The results supported the position that the feedback facilitates the students’ ability to use verb tense accurately but does not help reduce the number of noun form or article errors (Ferris, 2006; Ogawa, 2021). More research is needed to clarify the treatability of noun form and article errors. The repeated-feedback treatment had a stronger effect on verb tense than the more-writing-practice treatment. The study also indicated that coded WCF alone had a positive effect on mechanical errors (i.e., treatable form) but had no effects on errors related to sentence structures, wrong words, or missing words (i.e., untreatable form). The implication was that thorough corrective feedback is crucial for form-focused writing instruction, regardless of the number of writing tasks assigned, and that the coded WCF, when used by itself, should also be focused on treatable errors.}, pages = {12--36}, title = {Balancing Corrective Feedback and Writing Practice in an EFL Writing Course}, year = {2021}, yomi = {オガワ, ヨシマサ} }