@article{oai:swu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00007361, author = {川﨑, 愛 and KAWASAKI, Ai}, issue = {972}, journal = {学苑 昭和女子大学紀要, Gakuen: The Bulletin of Showa Women’s University}, month = {Mar}, note = {The purpose of this study is to examine the literature of Japan war orphans to find out why it took more than half a century for them to confess the damage of war and what led them to do so. The literature review revealed that what enabled Japan war orphans to overcome the fierce suffering recalled by their confession was their determination to become witnesses, so that the lives of their family members, relatives, friends, and other loved ones who died, who had no voice, would not be forgotten. Japan war orphans continued to question the meaning of their survival, and as a result, they realized that the answer was to continue appealing to the society for anti-war.}, pages = {13--21}, title = {〔研究ノート〕戦争孤児が被害を語るまで}, year = {2023}, yomi = {カワサキ, アイ} }