@article{oai:swu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00007366, author = {岩山, 孝幸 and 渡邊, 寛 and IWAYAMA, Takayuki and WATANABE, Yutaka}, issue = {972}, journal = {学苑 昭和女子大学紀要, Gakuen: The Bulletin of Showa Women’s University}, month = {Mar}, note = {We conducted a quantitative text analysis of graduation thesis titles in the Department of Psychology, Faculty of Human Sociology of the Showa Women’s University, for the 23 years from 2000 to 2022, examined changes in the research themes. The results of the frequency analysis showed that research themes in the four major areas of psychology were selected in a well-balanced manner, reflecting the Curriculum Policy. In addition, the results of co-occurrence network analysis revealed a decrease in research themes focusing on the relationship itself with the surroundings, such as “interpersonal-relationships”, and a stronger tendency to focus on how one feels and perceives oneself in a relationship, such as “interpersonal-anxiety” in the same interpersonal contexts. With quantitative text analysis, we succeeded in eliminating subjectivity and objectively understanding overall thesis themes and transitions. In general, recent students are increasingly more concerned with their own inner aspects. Considering the Diploma Policy, it seems that more research guidance is required to encourage students to be interested in others and society, not only in their own inner aspects.}, pages = {70--78}, title = {〔資料〕心理学科における卒業論文題目から見た研究テーマの変遷 ―計量テキスト分析を用いて―}, year = {2023}, yomi = {イワヤマ, タカユキ and ワタナベ, ユタカ} }